Forbes: Data analytic technology: the new game changer

Forbes: Data analytic technology: the new game changer Date: June 2, 2015 Exclusive Forbes feature of Marjella Alma

Forbes: Data analytic technology: the new game changer

June 2, 2015

Exclusive Forbes feature of Marjella Alma (eRevalue CEO) on how technology can help companies get ahead of new forms of risk and opportunity in the regulatory, competitive, and public opinion landscapes. Alma shares insights from her experience advising Fortune 500 on their corporate sustainability strategy for the past eight years, and how this inspired her to found eRevalue.


About eRevalue

eRevalue is a business intelligence provider based in London and New York. Our interactive analytics platforms – Datamaran™ and Caspian™ – help business leaders, advisors and investors monitor emerging regulatory, reputational, and competitive risks to make organizations and investments future proof.